Benedetto Lavino, CEO, Bottega Verde

“Start the day with the question ‘Why?’”


Published: Fri 26 Jun 2015, 2:24 PM

Last updated: Fri 10 Jul 2015, 10:42 AM

Benedetto Lavino, CEO of Bottega Verde, Italian Cosmetics Company
How does it feel to be a man in the makeup and beauty industry?
Makeup and beauty are in my family history, so it feels really great. My mother and father started Bottega Verde, and my family has been very hands on with the cosmetic brand ever since 1992. I’m very proud to be able &to be a part of it and I have the support of excellent colleagues who are always with me. I really believe in them, and that makes all &the difference. 
The first work related thing you think about when you wake up in the morning.
Normally, it is ‘How are sales doing today?’ The next thing that I look for is the satisfaction rate of our customers. It is very important to know if all our new products are working well. Every year, we launch at least one new offering. You know if a product is working if it is flying off the shelves. If it does not work, it will not be sold for long. So the first two things every businessman thinks is ‘Are we selling well?’ and ‘Does our product real-ly satisfy customers?’ I’m absolutely obsessed with these questions. 
If you had to describe your work in one sentence...
To be able to make dreams come true. And this does not only hold true for our customers but for our staff as well. It is important that they start their day with the question ‘Why?’ instead of  ‘What?’ I want them to ask themselves why they are doing a particular task instead of what they are doing. If you start your workday thinking about why something motivates you, it’s going to be a good day. 

What is your success mantra?
Always keep the customer in mind. I think if you start thinking in a customer-centric way, it is difficult to fail. 
What is your idea of switching off?
I live close to the Alps, so I’m actually surrounded by mountains. So when I want to take a break, I go hiking. I really like to dip inside &nature and explore the backcountry. It helps me think and be connected with the natural world. The world we live in today is so fast-paced, but when you are in, say, a forest or up in the mountains, it is perfect. It is just about you and nature. It feels great, and ref-reshes your mind so much. 
What is the last thing you do before going &to sleep?
The last thing I do is go and check on my &children. I have three kids, and I don’t always get to spend a lot of time with them during the day. So at night, I go around to their different rooms to see if they are sleeping. I usually wish them goodnight if they aren’t, and touch their heads if they have already fallen asleep. 
— As told to Janice Rodrigues

Published: Fri 26 Jun 2015, 2:24 PM

Last updated: Fri 10 Jul 2015, 10:42 AM

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