UAE's Leading Ecommerce store is Expanding to 164 Countries

Published: Mon 30 Aug 2021, 4:57 PM

Last updated: Tue 21 Sep 2021, 9:41 AM

Amidst the sky-touching popularity and demand for an authentic international shopping portal, there's good news for the shoppers who like to purchase international products online - Desertcart, UAE's leading ecommerce website, has expanded its cross-border online shopping convenience in 164 overseas countries. Being one of the largest global e-commerce shopping portals, Desertcart features millions of multi-category products for its shoppers and is partnered with thousands of national and international brands, suppliers and manufacturers while emphasizing superior quality standards and cost-effectiveness.


As per the statistics, this leading online shopping portal has elevated the middle-east B2C market to the next level of success by launching its ecommerce operations in international countries worldwide. Within only 7 years in the global market, Desertcart has reformed the operational mode of the e-commerce industry by introducing different business models. This e-commerce web portal includes sourcing multi-category products from wholesalers/suppliers based in the USA, UK, India, UAE & GCC countries for global buyers to enjoy cross-border products online without any geographical limitation.

While talking about the integrity of services, this international shopping portal has been appraised by positive reviews and client feedback for offering hassle-free delivery of services at the doorstep without imposing any hidden charges. To make online shopping an effortless experience, Desertcart also provides the convenience of a mobile shopping app compatible with all operating systems and devices. The mobile application of DesertCart is available on Google PlayStore and Apple App Store.

The CEO of Desertcart, Rahul Swaminathan, said, 'Our e-commerce portal is actively serving customers in more than 164+ countries, and our goal is to reach at least 50mn+ customer base by the end of 2022. Our exclusive intention is to fill the gap of cross-countries products so that buyers from different regions, especially from those regions that undergo a lack of stock variety of elemental products, can obtain their required products from the universal retailers right at their doorstep".

Desertcart features the following specialities as their business highlights-

The Plus Membership - DesertCart renders premium services through DC+ Plus membership that stresses the prime priority on client happiness. This program allows loyal customers to avail themselves of a plethora of shopping benefits like UNLIMITED FREE Worldwide delivery, 50% Off Expedited Delivery, 30 DAYS FREE Returns and Exchanges, Exclusive Deals, etc.

International Merchant Program - This e-commerce portal of Desertcart offers International Merchant Program exclusively for those local merchants/suppliers who want to access the International market through a single online portal. It is an ultimate opportunity to extend the businesses on an International scale without putting in much effort, and it comes along with the following perks-

  • Access more than 11mn+ international customer base
  • Receive payments directly to the merchant's bank account
  • Merchant training program & personal assistance
  • Dedicated merchant service team to solve all the queries
  • Strategic marketing programs to help grow the local online business
  • Freedom over choosing the price of products.

The fundamental approach of the International Merchant Program hints at an all-inclusive solution that caters to all needs for growing the business on a global landscape. The whole procedure is extremely secure and straightforward from registering for the program to receiving funds from sales. With accurate documentation and verification, the local merchants from the USA, UK, India, UAE & GCC countries can become our selling partners.

Partnerships with Banks - Desertcart always tries to offer customers a better shopping experience; getting a discount on the desired product is always one of the most important parts. Desertcart runs multiple campaigns with different banks wherein customers can avail discount benefits while shopping for selected cross-border products through Desertcart. Currently, Desertcart has partnered with RAKBANK wherein by using RAKBANK Credit and Debit Cards, customers can get 50% OFF by using coupon code RAK2021.

Banali Malhotra, Director – Marketing, RAKBANK said “As part of our RAKBANK deals program, we are delighted to partner with Desertcart to provide our Cardholders an amazing discount offer to shop for over 100 million products, all from the convenience of their homes.”

Desertcart has 5 warehouses in different regions-US (Delaware), US (New Hampshire), UK (London), UAE (Dubai) and India (Mumbai). The assistance executives of DC are 24/7 accessible for contact to resolve any problems or make queries. To address the matter of customer service, the CEO says, " DesertCart takes care of all aspects from receiving orders to handing over the item to the hands of the clients- be it order tracking, payment or return/exchange. On the successful placement of the order, the shoppers can track the transit status of their products through their user id. In case of dissatisfaction with products' quality, our online shopping portal also allows the shoppers to ask for an exchange/return request within 14days of delivery".

The range of the online marketplace is steadily unfolding beyond national boundaries, and Desertcart strives to contribute to the online shopping industry as a convenient e-commerce platform where global buyers can relish a wholesome shopping experience without facing complexities and hurdles. The company ensures supreme reliability while delivering the orders straight to the clients' doorstep with maximum safety.

To conclude in CEO' words, "Our only aim is to sustain a vibrant relationship with the valuable clients to ensure their time-to-time retention. With an expeditious approach and the integrity of services, Desertcart strives to provide excellent e-shopping facilities with assurances of a single price, top-class logistics support and complete client satisfaction".

Published: Mon 30 Aug 2021, 4:57 PM

Last updated: Tue 21 Sep 2021, 9:41 AM