Meaningful Arabic text on bag makes a hilarious point


Sarakshi Rai

Published: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 1:14 PM

Last updated: Thu 5 Jan 2023, 3:46 PM

In Western Europe, America or anywhere else in the world that is not the Middle East, people view Arabic text and language as something to be afraid of.


Don't believe us? Here's a refresher course on all the people discriminated against because they "spoke" Arabic in public.

A student from the University of California in Berkeley was removed from a Southwest Airlines flight and questioned by the FBI after a fellow passenger was thought to have heard him say the word "martyr" in Arabic during a phone conversation.

Another woman panicked on a flight when the Muslim woman sitting next to her on an airplane texted in Arabic. Fortunately, that story had a happy ending when the women wound up befriending each other.


Dealing with these stories on social media has inspired a design company to come up with these bags with Arabic text on them.

A photo of the said bag on the Berlin metro has now gone viral on social media.

A Facebook post from journalist Nader Al-Sarras that's been shared nearly 12 thousand times as of writing reveals what the text says.

"This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language."

The post has now gone viral on social media with over 14,500 shares.

ATTN: previously reported, "48 percent of Muslims believe they are more likely than any other popular religious group in America to say they have personally experienced racial or religious discrimination in the past year" according to a 2011 Gallup poll.

This bag is also high in demand with many of the brand's followers wondering if they ship to Netherlands, Canada and the US. So if you want one there's sure to be a long wait.

While we're in no doubt why this bag is so much in demand, politicians like Donald Trump only make all the reasons for owning this bag more relevant. With Islamophobia and hate speech against Muslims reaching a new high, this bag reminds us all why sometimes a language is just a language. Nothing else.

Khaleej Times has reached out to Rock Paper Scissors and will update the post if we hear back.

Sarakshi Rai

Published: Thu 18 Aug 2016, 1:14 PM

Last updated: Thu 5 Jan 2023, 3:46 PM

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