Landlords not allowed to hike rent every year in Sharjah A landlord may increase the rent for a leased property only three years after the commencement of the tenancy/lease contract.
Liable to repay loan even if one loses job Pursuant to your question (as I understand it), it may be noted that the claims for loans against an individual shall subsist irrespective of whether such individual is employed or not.
Legal View: Termination during probation Read on to find out what happens if during your probation period you are suddenly sacked by the employer.
No compensatory benefits if employee is terminated Upon termination, employer is liable to pay only the salary for the notice period served
You can quit job without notice if employer fails to meet obligations The employee must immediately report non-payment of salary to the Ministry of Labour and file a complaint against the employer.
Sharjah rents can be hiked once in three years Contact the Sharjah Municipality to confirm if the increase in rent is justified.
Employer can impose labour ban if employee breaches contract An employee who may terminate his employment contract before the completion of the term may have to compensate his employer for any prejudice suffered by the latter.
Ban can't be lifted if TB scars found on lungs Individuals confirmed to having suffered from tuberculosis on a previous occasion are imposed a lifetime immigration ban.
Evidence needed to trash absconding report Any worker whose work relation ended in escape, and against whom a final escape circular was issued, shall be permanently deprived from working.
Employee stuck as employer goes missing Free zone authority cannot withhold passport, employee may approach court