Adly, Guseinov share men’s lead in Sharjah

Adly used the Pirc Defence against erstwhile co-leader Semetey Tologontegin of Kyrgyzstan.


By Kt Report

Published: Mon 24 Nov 2014, 11:25 AM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 9:28 PM

Sharjah — Former world junior champion GM Ahmed Adly of Egypt and GM Gadir Guseinov of Azerbaijan beat their respective seventh round opponents to share the lead with six points each at the homestretch of the Sharjah Capital of Islamic Culture Chess Championship at the Sharjah Chess Club.

Adly used the Pirc Defence against erstwhile co-leader Semetey Tologontegin of Kyrgyzstan. In a tense game where the players castled on opposite wings he attacked on the kingside while Adly countered on the Queenside. The Egyptian sacrificed a Rook on the 27th move threatened inevitable mate five moves later.

Guseinov broke down the Petroff Defence of compatriot GM Nijat Abasov in a marathon 73 moves as he was about to promote his pawn to a Queen in a Rook and pawn endgame.

International Master Arab Adlane of Algeria crushed the King’s India Defence of GM Saleh A. R. Salem of the UAE in 60 moves to hold third slot with 5.5 points.

Abasov, top seed Eltaj Safarli of Azerbaijan, FM Jasem Alhuwar of the UAE, Semetey Tologntegin of Kyrgyzstan and Ibrahim Chahrour of Lebanon follow with 5 pionts each.

In the women’s division, WFM Dorsa Derakhshani of Iran and Ulviyya Fataliyeva of Azerbaijan share the lead with 6 points each. Fataliyeva smashed the French Defence of top seed Dinara Saduakassova of Kazakhstan in 72 moves. Derakhshani kept pace by beating Narmin Khalafova of Azerbaijan in 41 moves.

Kt Report

Published: Mon 24 Nov 2014, 11:25 AM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 9:28 PM

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