Bullying Kids

With reference to the news story, ‘Bullied girl’s family seeks justice as she battles for life in hospital’ (KT/ April 26), how does debarring the students help?

By (Ehsan Adeel, by email)

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Published: Sat 28 Apr 2012, 9:27 PM

Last updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 12:40 PM

Not returning for the next year — so they would go to other schools, and start their bullying there? They have to be punished and by punishment I don’t mean, making them stand with their hands over their heads, they must be punished academically, given more home work, more school service, more assignments.

I am sure that the professional people in the education sector can think of better ways, by which the bullies will learn the importance of other lives and more important learn the fact that bullying is NOT COOL.

Rizwana B, by email


I’m not quite sure if simply barring the students from next year will be the right punishment. The Grade 4 boys still get to complete the school year, while a Grade 7 girl can’t attend because she’s barely aware of what is happening around her. To not even suspend the boys does not send out the right message of discipline to others. We still don’t know about the ramifications of their actions on her mental and physical ability?

Apart from a terrible reflection on the part of the school management, supervisors and teachers, is this the message that the school wants to convey to society? Perhaps a matter that is of such high severity, does not require strict immediate action?

Of course, education talks about forgiveness but this school has a responsibility to give a message of discipline to the society, and perhaps, they have mightily failed in it.

Name withheld on request


The school should be penalised as they did not seem to be aware of this kind of thing going on in their school.

What kind of human beings are being raised there?

I humbly appeal to the authorities that such schools should be closed down so as to send out a stern warning to the other schools as well that this kind of culture shall not be tolerated. This nation is built on respect and love for everyone.

Faisal, by email


I have full faith in the UAE authorities for justice. The statements from the school management are definitely not justifiable. This happened some time ago and there was no action. This is why it led to such a drastic situation.

I am sure the authorities will take strict action against the responsible and I also hope that the parents of the attackers would also do something about it.

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