Is public speaking fear affecting your career growth?

A recent study has found that a fear of public speaking, known as communication apprehension, can have significant implications for professional growth.


Published: Thu 11 May 2023, 3:54 PM

The study, conducted by Feeney and Collins based out of Santa Barbara, California, found that individuals who experience communication apprehension (fear of public speaking) are more likely to experience career indecision, which can ultimately hinder their professional growth. The study's results highlight the need for individuals to address their public speaking fear in order to advance in their careers.

As communication skills are often highly valued in the workplace, it is crucial for individuals to overcome their fears and develop effective public speaking abilities to enhance their professional prospects.

We reached out to a few specialists in the region who could educate our readers on the topic of public speaking fear. One of the specialists that stood out was Tanveer Ahmed, founder of Creative Bites Academy, based out of Dubai, who has been helping & training individuals in public speaking and personality development for years. Ahmed uses amusing practical exercises to help people combat this societal problem. We asked him a few questions about the topic.

What exactly is public speaking fear ?

"Communication apprehension or public speaking fear is actually mundane, but the impacts of it can be immense. This fear can be triggered by any type of event where one needs to present in front of other people. When an individual with a fear of public speaking is put in such a situation, they feel as if their audience is judging them. Negative thoughts start to enter the person’s mind, feeling as if they are not worth being listened to. The person then wants to quickly finish what they have to say, making them babble words and worsen the situation. It makes it harder for individuals to get promoted, to take up new job opportunities, or even to perform in job interviews."

How many people are affected by the fear of public speaking?

"According to me, 90-95% of people have a fear of public speaking. Some are open about their fear and some pretend to be confident outside but still, they remain fearful inside. Less than 5% are completely confident while speaking publicly either because they have been publicly speaking for ages or they simply have a gift for it."

Is public speaking an innate talent or can it be learned?

"Of course, it can be learned. Public speaking is like any other skill; it can be learned through guided practical exercises, by learning techniques to remove the fear of public speaking and by developing certain traits in your personality which will allow you to be calm while interacting and presenting to the audience."

Is it only young people and those in junior positions at companies who are looking for guidance when it comes to public speaking?

"No, you would be surprised to see how many CEOs, managers, and regional heads of companies come to us to help them improve their public speaking skills. These people most often pretend as if they have no issue speaking in front of large numbers of people. In truth, they are as frightened as the young folks starting off in junior positions."

What changes can be observed in a person who overcome their public speaking fear?

"From the moment you overcome your fear of public speaking, you gain the confidence needed to get your points across to your superiors and colleagues. Without even knowing it, you will be increasingly looking out to further grow in your career."

For people looking to improve their public speaking skills, how can you help them?

"People looking to improve their public speaking skills can join us at the Creative Bites Academy. We have helped hundreds of students become a better version of themselves through our public speaking & personality development courses. Of course, the students will not be asked to speak publicly when they first join us. Gradually, over a ten-week period, the students first learn to get rid of their fear of speaking publicly. They undergo training to develop specific personality traits to make them feel more confident in front of the audience and then gradually start practising to talk in front of the audience."

In conclusion, public speaking is becoming increasingly important for personal and professional success. Individuals need to recognize the value of effective communication and seek out re-sources to address their public speaking fear. By doing so, they can unlock their full potential and grow in their career. The future belongs to those who are willing to face their fears and develop the skills needed to communicate effectively in today's rapidly changing world.

For further details about Tanveer Ahmed & Creative Bites Academy follow them on Instagram or visit

Published: Thu 11 May 2023, 3:54 PM