There is a definite need for people in Dubai to attract the right colours and optimise 'Chi' energy, as the flat terrain of the region means residents are dependent on the sun for all their energy requirements, and this can only be achieved by introducing complimentary hues ...

By Anupama V Chand

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Published: Wed 22 Sep 2004, 2:26 AM

Last updated: Thu 2 Apr 2015, 1:01 AM

in their living spaces, a renowned Australian artist and colour specialist has said.

Aussie artist Sylvia Meissner, whose art exhibition at Burj Al Arab's Assawan Amphitheatre started on September 16 and concludes today in a melange of colour and visual beauty, pointed out that as Dubai did not have any mountains to serve as main energy points and connect towards the rainbow light, the people here were largely dependent on the sun for all their energy needs, and as they spent the bulk of their working days in air-conditioned offices, they were being deprived of even this vital source. To make up, she suggested that they needed to introduce some colour elements, based on the colour medicine chart.

"The human body and all living things have an 'aura' and this energy field tends to change, depending on one's moods and emotions. If a person is angry, the aura will contain a lot of red, the colour red also indicates frustration, anger, passions, vitality and will power. Other colours have different interpretations — for instance, yellow is for upliftment, joy, wisdom, and connects with the intellect of a person's mind. It relates to the sun, and makes us warm, happy and can help improve one's 'Chi' energy if they are depressed," she exemplified, elaborating on colour medicine.

She pointed out that the body organs also vibrate to a specific energy field, and that the body contained seven energy 'chakras', also called the "wheels of life". By introducing a level of colour therapy to the body, one may unblock and increase the vibrational energy of the 'chakra', thus the 'wheels of life' become free flowing, bringing in healing and harmony for the body.

The artist, who is visiting Dubai for the second time, showcased 27 painting, all oil-paintings, based on nature, primarily flora and fauna in a brilliant melange of colour and texture, using the French artistic technique of Pointillism, which involved a form of painting using small primary colour dots that helped create secondary colours, and the placement of dots in each painting tapped into the spiritual realm of 'chi' energy.

She noted that she used a variety of colours that enhanced light and movement, and also used the brush to create fine points on the canvas. With her very personal expression of art, the artist reveals colour, movement, energy and intense passion that create a wonderful flow of paint on the canvas. Some of the artworks contain a metallic medium of opal, gold and silver that reflect the true property of light, and the images created through this medium give a three-dimensional effect, making the paintings, at once interesting and complex.

"My name is Sylvia which in Latin means 'forest elf'. As a young child, I was always fascinated with nature, and the moment I could hold a pen to draw, I was lost in my own world. This was a happy and natural state to be in. I have come to the realisation through my path as an artist that I can bring into this world the finer energies of nature, combined with the ability to tune into the spiritual realm," Sylvia Meissner said.

An avid environmentalist, she believes firmly in the fragility of nature, the divine light and colour which is so important to today's stressed society, and the fact that the environment is precious and needs balance on all levels, failing which it becomes sick.

Sylvia Meissner's exhibition at Burj Al Arab has been organised in collaboration with the Australian Embassy in Abu Dhabi and AUSTRADE, and part of the proceeds of the sale of artworks is being contributed to the UAE Red Crescent. One of her paintings, titled "Arabesque Night Sky" is also being presented for a silent auction to raise funds for the UAE Red Crescent in Dubai.

"I firmly believe in colour healing and colour medicine for the 21st Century and wish to awaken people to the soothing properties and benefits of my artistic design, my inspiration derives from my concern for the conservation and preservation of our environment and the many endangered species on earth, and Pointillism taps into that fragility of nature that is found within the ecosystem of life," she commented.

The artwork displayed primarily depicts vistas of flowers and colourful gardens, hot, red and passionate deserts, tranquil ocean scenes, mystical galaxies, and landscapes of mountains and glowing sunsets. Much of Sylvia's work can be viewed in international locations, including the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Hong Kong, Star City Casino, Sydney - Australia and numerous private overseas collections.

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