Gone in 60 Seconds

ADUBAI 92 DJ since 2004, Nathalie Shariat grew up in Dubai after her family moved here from Iran during the revolution.

By David Light

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Published: Sun 31 Aug 2008, 10:51 PM

Last updated: Tue 23 Jan 2024, 3:32 PM

My jeans. Agirl can never own toomany pairs of jeans. The same goes for boots and bags really!

2 . One thing money can’t buy?

Anight with Gary Lightbody( leadsinger of Snow Patrol).

3. What would your superpower be?

Righting the wrong doers on the road. (see pet peeve) For example, if someone cuts to the front of the queue I’d put them right back to the back of it. OR...being able to perm someone’s hair simply by looking at it! (Although in Dubai it happens just by stepping outside into the humidity...I’m scary when I’m outside for too long. Scary I tell you!).

4. Which celebrity would you want to hook up with?

Ryan Gosling.

5. If you could go back in time where would you go?

The 60s.

6. What is the dumbest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

“Can you sniff my nurse?”

7. Your biggest pet peeve in Dubai?

People driving like numptees. People who cut people off, changing lanes at the last second without indicating, over taking on the hard shoulder, driving up someone else’s rear end just to get them to move... basic lack of common courtesy on our roads.

8. In the movie of your life who would play you?

Jennifer Aniston in her ‘Friends’ days.

9. What’s the best way to get back at somebody?

Rise above and if that fails put itchy powder in their bed sheets.


Nathalie’s Midmorning Mix on Dubai 92 weekdays from10am onwards.


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