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Star Talk

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For the week ending July 31

Published: Fri 25 Jul 2014, 9:06 PM

Updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 10:52 PM

  • By
  • Milton Black

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

There is nothing you cannot master or accomplish, providing you are patient. This is a week of opportunity. You may be attracted to study or delve into things of the unknown. Complete any outstanding correspondence, contracts or agreements; an opportunity to better your self is in the offing. You may also project a more confident image around your workplace with bosses and co-workers. New contacts are helpful and agreeable and could open up wonderful and exciting opportunities for your future. You will certainly have great pleasure with travel and entertainment. Your love is true, but someone may be suspicious of you.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Your emotions are intensified now, a good time to seek professional advice over any emotional problem that is troubling you. If you feel down or lethargic, it may be difficult to prove yourself emotionally. You may throw a party or celebrate due to good news or a new start. Your increased material resources and generosity will give much pleasure to your family and friends. You may also encounter a new and somewhat adventurous situation. Push ahead with your personal plans — others will be receptive. You may have difficulty wading through your daily work and personal commitments; some duties could be a drag but others should prove a delightful surprise. Your status and ambitions may receive a well-earned boost.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Satisfaction, success and recognition is guaranteed. Be prepared for a new challenge; your mind is set for orderliness and concentration as there is nothing you cannot achieve, if you push yourself. You must be willing to excel and compromise in your relationships. Selfishness will get you nowhere; improving your emotional environment will change the way others see you. You seem to have mixed feelings about where you are headed with your love life. New emotional relationships may be an escape from old ones. Be especially careful regarding diet and health matters. Exercise would be helpful and you may join a gym.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Gains can be expected through careful planning and negotiations. A successful profit could now be made in real estate or publishing. Long-distance travel, negotiations, or commencing a new career is favoured. Now is the time to stand on your own feet and let past problems subside. Irritations, conflicts with the people you relate to on a daily basis, and a generalised feeling of impatience may characterise this week. This is not a good time to try to come to an agreement with another. However, you need to get your grievances out in the open, otherwise the tension will build up to an unmanageable level.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Career and business matters encounter a major shake-up. Personal relationships or the general circumstances in which you find yourself at present may unite you or change your attitude to love and affection. You may find yourself getting over-emotional due to petty things. You will find it hard to relax and remain calm and an emotional relationship may be under fire due to your selfishness or stubbornness. A new financial opportunity will bless you with good luck and long-term success. Your long-range goals, life’s direction or career aims come to focus now. You gain clarity or a stronger sense of purpose, which energises your efforts to get ahead or move towards what you really want.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

You may purchase a new vehicle or household goods, as this is a week for improving your status. Flexibility, thinking on your feet, and the ability to accommodate the unexpected will be called for now. The pace is very quick; watch for the sudden or unexpected in everything you do. You may be pulled in many directions at once and tend to scatter your forces, jumping from one thing to the next. You may come up with some fresh plan or insight that may seem crazy at first, but which is likely to be quite useful. Happiness is all around you; people who are important in your life may show greater understanding towards you.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

You may experience love in a totally different way. Many new opportunities will be made available to you, domestic issues take a fortunate turn, and a new home is a possibility. New career opportunities may be offered to you; a realistic no-nonsense approach to your life’s direction is assured. Signing of important papers or business agreements is favoured. A family member may improve in health or receive advancement or important recognition that brings joy to the whole family. You seem to be happy with the way your life is going and others will reach out to assist you when you need them. Luck seems to attract to you quite unexpectedly.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

It is impossible for you to be content with superficial answers about important matters. You’re impatient with others who avoid looking honestly at root causes for any problem. You may tend to force your views on others now; avoid trivial issues, think of long-term opportunities, then compromise. You may become obsessed with an idea, with no thought for your associates. With personal relationships, you could be most persuasive with others, and eloquent in speech and communication. Any situation is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular ideas. A positive conversation with those you love is possible.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

A perfect week for window-shopping, but keep all purchases to a minimum. An exciting invitation may be offered to you for travel or you may attend a social engagement with a difference. Sport or outdoor interests put you on a winning streak. New business relationships will stimulate your mind and lead to prosperous mergers or cooperation in your career. Important discussions or bargaining may be necessary. Your profession, career, social status and ambitions will be successfully confirmed this week; your communication with others will have greater clarity. Happiness, greater security and recognition are assured from this week on. Your mind will be energetic and intellectually competitive.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Avoid one sided debates, arguments, trivial criticism and extremes; otherwise, conflict may arise with family, work colleagues or neighbours. A financial matter turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Romance will be a highlight; you won’t be looking for excuses or playing games in relationships. Now is the time to overcome those doubts and fears in your personal life. Delays, frustrations and business problems can now be solved and many gains can be expected through your friendships with others, especially bosses and supervisors. You will be determined to make every step a winner. Don’t allow others to put you off, or prevent you from making the most of this excellent period. New activities, outdoor interests, or sport may interest you now. You may be on a winning streak.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Strengthen your social connections, make new friends and ask your partner to tell it like it is, or spell out the importance of your emotional feelings. Expect a fabulous time ahead; your circle of friendships and social activities will expand considerably. Be impulsive for a change. Avoid negative people and one-sided situations, especially career matters; your opposition is looking for an opportunity to pull the rug from under your feet. A little gossip regarding personal relationships, particularly past relationships, could stir up a hornet’s nest.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

If you feel discouraged, you probably have nobody to blame but yourself. Winning people over to your side gracefully is the best way to deal with correcting past mistakes. Greater co-operation in partnerships is needed if you wish to reorganise your domestic environment or reshuffle personal relationships. Travel features in your week and you may decide to take a break with a loved one. You can expect the tempo of events to accelerate somewhat; watch your finances very carefully — you cannot afford to waste one cent. Some personal sacrifices may have to be made. Look inward and reflect upon deep psychological truths within yourself. Something unusual or from your past may surface and demand to be dealt with.

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