DUBAI — The Ministry of Education and Dubai Educational Zone appear to be on a collision course with the latter virtually questioning the propriety of the Ministry in giving carte blanche approval to foreign private schools to hike tuition fee.
The issue spilled out in the open when parents of students of a private school in Dubai lodged a complaint against the school authorities for increasing tuition fee by 10 per cent for 2005-06, when the management had effected a hike only last year. This, they complained, was in violation of a regulation which stipulates that private schools are entitled for fee hike only once in three years.
The parents argued the school management had not introduced any new activity or improved facilities for it to justify the fee hike within a year. They said most of the teaching staff in the school conducted private tuitions to compensate for their low salaries, besides complaining of overcrowded classes. For want of classrooms, the school management increased the number of students in each class to over 32.
The school management, however, brushed aside all arguments stating that they had applied for a fee hike with the Ministry, and that the latter had given its approval. The management said they were not answerable to the complaints.
DEZ, meanwhile, directed the departments concerned to check the veracity of the complaints. The officials reported that the school had, indeed, violated Term No. 51 of the Executive Regulation of the Educational Law.