Heavy rains affect life in Fujairah Water clogging in the area brought the traffic to a standstill for several hours on the main road that connects Fujairah with Khorffakan.
Extremely rare cyclone threatens floods, damage in Yemen and Oman Omani port city of Salalah is likely to be heavily affected with heavy rainfall.
Mercury drops further in RAK Heavy to moderate rains, which have continuously lashed the Khat and Al Gheil areas over the last two days, have filled several valleys.
Summer showers hit southern parts of RAK According to Emiratis and other residents, it rained continuously for two hours from 12.30pm to 2.30pm on Tuesday. It rained on Wednesday morning, too.
New system to give real time seismic updates The system will support survey engineers in three municipalities in the Capital: Abu Dhabi City, Western Region and Al Ain City.
Drive carefully, it's going to be foggy all over UAE The directorate has also called on motorists to refrain from commuting on Abu Dhabi roads until visibility improves.
Weather forecast for Eid Al Adha in UAE Some low clouds will appear to the east over the mountains during the afternoons.
Heavy showers on Dafta valley, South East RAK city The mercury was significantly down at most southern areas of the emirate that the locals and residents went out to enjoy the rare summer rains and clean weather after the end of the storm.
Masdar portal to track regional weather in real-time The portal, an online observatory, is open for all but registered users will have access to advanced functions.