We will present full file to France on Qatar: Saudi Foreign Minister


Al Jubeir said he hoped the crisis would be resolved by the Gulf countries themselves
Al Jubeir said he hoped the crisis would be resolved by the Gulf countries themselves

Jeddah - Al Jubeir stressed that there are basic principles that all countries, including Qatar, must abide by, including stopping support to terrorism.

By Wam

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Published: Sun 16 Jul 2017, 11:00 PM

Last updated: Mon 24 Jul 2017, 3:05 PM

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmed Al Jubeir has said that the Foreign Ministry will provide the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs with a complete file of the negative actions carried out by Qatar over the years, saying a similar file was given to the US and other allies.
According to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), speaking at a press conference in Jeddah on Saturday with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, Al Jubeir said he hoped the crisis would be resolved by the Gulf countries themselves, and that Qatar would show the wisdom to respond to the demands of the international community, not just the four Arab countries.
He pointed out that the international community has refused Qatar's support of terrorism and extremism, and hosting people wanted in this regard.
Al Jubeir said during his meeting with the french minister he discussed bilateral relations, efforts to combat terrorism and extremism, and other regional and international issues.
He added that they also discussed the current situation in the region, peace process, Syria situation, issues relating to the implementation of the Geneva Declaration 1 and Security Council Resolution No 2254, as well as the situation in Iraq, the SPA added.
Al Jubeir stressed that there are basic principles that all countries, including Qatar, must abide by, including stopping support to terrorism, extremism, incitement and spreading hatred through media, as well as stopping hosting terrorists or those involved in financing of terrorism or wanted in their countries, and not to interfere in the affairs of neighbouring countries.
The French minister expressed concern over the Qatar crisis and its political and economic impact. He pointed out that France was in touch with all parties.
He also praised Saudi efforts to eradicate terrorism.
About France's position on the Qatar crisis, he said it consists of a number of points, including the firm commitment of all to fight terrorism, and stand against those who support and finance terrorism, stressing the need for the GCC countries to stay united as an impenetrable barrier against terrorists.
Le Drian stressed that the crisis must be solved by the Gulf countries themselves, pointing out that France does not want to substitute anyone as it just wants to add its efforts to other countries efforts and support the Kuwaiti mediation.

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