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Star talk

For the week ending September 5

Published: Fri 30 Aug 2013, 1:34 PM

Updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 8:34 PM

  • By
  • Milton Black

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

You could be put in the limelight, in a big or small way. This is a time to plan changes in your profession, career or business world. Success, recognition, promotions and opportunities are yours for the taking. This is a time when the tempo of your life accelerates. Friends or parents may play an important role in your life this week, so listen to their advice. Legal matters, studies, literature, and travel could influence your week on a positive note; this is an excellent time to plan long distance or overseas travel. You can expect a sudden increase in the range of your prospects, and an opportunity to encounter life from a new richer and broader perspective. You may even get interested in outdoor activities.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Social activities, sport, fun and entertainment could make this week a rather hectic one for you. Creative activities are also favoured; in fact, you may feel the need to express yourself in some creative form or the other. Love and romance is also on the radar, and you will feel emotionally generous and giving. Matters relating to the home, family circles and the domestic front are major this week. Don’t try to force yourself into doing something you don’t really have the energy to do; particularly gardening, landscaping, painting and repairs. Arguments could occur, or you could be confronted by the consequences of your past actions. Your personal financial situation is now becoming more stable. However, curb any tendency to think just for the moment, and instead put something away for a rainy day.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Your duties and responsibilities may prevent you from accomplishing things you have been wishing to do for some time. You will be more concerned with commercial affairs more than usual, and your focus should be on efficiency and effectiveness. Strive to make every action as much to the point as possible, and this is a good time to examine and refine your techniques and procedures in your work. You will also be more inclined to look at your body and see how it’s functioning, or how your diet can be improved. You may have an opportunity to be involved in new projects, career changes or setting up a new business. Money matters will improve towards the end of the week and your material, intellectual and spiritual values are now changing.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You will exhibit a great deal of energy, planning and confidence this week, winning you many accolades. You may also feel like saving for something special, or building your future security. Secrets, mysteries, puzzles or things in the background of your life may surface this week and need to be dealt with. You may also be motivated by petty ego concerns. Try to eliminate all doubt and uncertainty from other people’s minds, as well as your own, particularly in regard to confidential or monetary affairs. Don’t allow your emotions to sway your decisions. There is a tendency to feel responsible for everything that has happened to you, and some of what has affected other people too. Try to develop positive thoughts and seek communication from more confident friends.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

You will long for a more reserved, intimate lifestyle, as opposed to being a social animal. But don’t isolate yourself too much, or blame for errors that were 
previously made. Your personal charm and initiative may sway others to see your point of view. Promote your ideas and make those changes you’ve been 
contemplating. This is an excellent time for making a new start; your mental outlook should be sharp and on the ball. Others may try to pull the rug from under your feet, so keep one step ahead of your competitors. An exciting career opportunity may be offered to you at this time. Keep your cool when it comes to family decision-making processes, and avoid taking a one-sided approach to important matters.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

You will be rather timid or retiring during this time; your energy levels are low. You may face more pressure than expected, and things seem to be moving faster than thought. Others are weighing your performance, and you will be rewarded for your efforts provided you keep your patience. Your friendly concern for others and your willingness to meet people half way benefits your career, reputation and public image. This is a favourable time to socialise with people you have professional ties with, as the positive feelings you generate now are likely to be an aide to you in the future. Your physical appearance matters now, and you will find yourself grooming a lot more.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Everything around you appears to change without much effort on your behalf. Your restlessness may be hard to control, but your actions will be positive. Be extra careful with money, buying, selling or loans; you may invite trouble through carelessness or over-indulgence. Your social life and popularity will increase now; it is time to start new projects, interests and activities with support from others. You will encounter people who can help you out in various ways. Some unexpected changes in career could take place, so be prepared to take on more responsibility. At times this week, you may feel you are on that rapid treadmill of illusions, rather than accepting reality. Carefully evaluate your goals and adhere to a plan for reaching them in a practical way.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Meditation may help you find the answers you are presently looking for; there is a need for you to take stock of every situation that concerns you. You must plan your affairs a little better if you wish to overcome the strain of tension and arguments. This is a time to modify your extremism and take advantage of all opportunities. A little soul-searching may be necessary. Don’t try to control your competitors. Now is the time to bring your affairs to a successful climax, but do not hope to escape a little opposition from others. Keep alert for new opportunities; however, be careful with superiors and persons in authority, you may want to take things ahead too quickly. Try to develop your skills to the highest level of competence.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Something important may happenin your family circle that requires your immediate attention, or your life partner may decide to make an important change in his or her daily routine or habits. Working with the general public or a large number of people may cause some complications, but you will get through them. The week will put a smile on your face, due to new undertakings or the conclusion of a long-term problem. You can now lay the foundations for future achievements. You may also spend time renovating your home, office or holiday house. Don’t bite off more than you can chew; you may find it difficult to work out everything right, but if you prepare properly at this time, you will succeed.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Be careful of people’s attitudes — you just may undo all the progress you have made due to them. Duty and responsibility will be important to you; plan and organise the areas in your life that you can change to gain greater control and independence. Your personal and emotional life comes to the fore now; this will be a harmonious week, with many new opportunities to straighten out loose ends. This can be a time of great discovery and new beginnings, and to push ahead with personal plans and goals. You should stop and survey your recent achievements. Decide how you can use them to prepare for your future and find out what you can get out of them that will be of lasting value. Concerns about your career, reputation and public image arise now.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Whatever you do tends to be more open, more public, and more available for the world to see. Now is the time to examine those matters that have clearly not worked out, and make new beginnings. Take a new track, don’t waste time with regrets, and put all your energies into clearing up things and salvaging what you can. This is an ideal time for entertaining family and friends. A happy surprise can be expected that will add to your happiness. New horizons will now open up in your personal and business life. Interviews, meetings and get-togethers with co-workers will make you highly ambitious, full of optimism and enthusiasm for new enterprises and plans. In fact, you may be foolishly over-confident and take on more challenges than you can meet.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

You are inclined to take physical and financial risks, speculate too much. This can, in fact, be a very productive time for you if you can keep your expectations within reasonable bounds. Beware of over-exerting yourself. Your restlessness will be easier to put up with, providing you don’t bite off more than you can control. A sympathetic ear from friends will do wonders for your ego, and will also allow you to see the other side of people’s opinions for a change. Keep your wits about you. Guard other people’s secrets. Career or personal projects are currently favoured; write, plan and organise methodically. Catch up on bills, correspondence, filing and tedious duties. Analyse your career situation and work as efficiently as possible, as time is short.

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