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Star Talk

For the week ending AUGUST 29

Published: Fri 23 Aug 2013, 4:48 PM

Updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 8:34 PM

  • By
  • (Milton Black)

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Social engagements may prove too hectic and you may try a few early nights to ease the pain. Take on one job at a time; with all your energy this week, you will have the tendency to rush in and bite off more that you can chew. A trip or social get-together with friends will prove exciting and successful, and this is also an auspicious time for a happy home environment; family conditions 
will exert a strong influence in shaping your character and ideas. Your self-confidence will be on a high, and you will feel generous and hospitable towards others. Concentrate on your future goals — you have the world at your feet. Gains through employment are indicated, provided you keep everything in efficient running order.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Express your artistic abilities with confidence; recognition by others will be spontaneous. You are brimming over with creativity, expressing your views, and that will be appreciated by others. There may be a tendency for you to collect kitchenware, cookbooks or household gadgets to make your domestic environment more efficient, or you may have a flair for experimental cooking. Exchanging information, ideas, and opinions play an important role in your life now. A new friendship is indicated that will have a long term, happy association. This is an excellent time to negotiate a personal loan, extend your credit cards or arrange a new financial limit for over-drafts. Your week will be crammed with variety, change and the unexpected. Your personal life is in for some fun and happiness.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

A significant conversation with someone who has a very different attitude or perspective than your own is likely. Try to be receptive and learn as much as you can from others at this time. Also, mental curiosity or restlessness impels you to get out and about, perhaps take a short trip or visit. You may be experiencing problems with your emotions now; support from close friends or family may be called for, especially in regard to personal affairs. This is a good time to mend emotional fences and ameliorate problems in your home life; compromise is your key to success. Happiness is important to you and your social activities are on a roll. Unexpected gains may come your way.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You may prefer to spend much of your spare time with art, theatre or music. The world of fantasy will attract you. Your imagination is vivid and romantic, with a touch of humour thrown in. If you have an interest in spiritual or metaphysical matters, these interests come to the fore now. The inability to be decisive and a lack of energy or drive is a negative possibility; you can be quite lazy. You are fascinated by the mysterious now. Unsolved or puzzling problems, hidden orbehind-the-scenes activities, attract you. Business aspects or a situation involving clubs, groups, or community activities interest you most, and you may spend much of your time organising details. Money rolls in this week when you least expect it.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

You may have to delve and probe into your partner’s emotional life until you discover the truth. An interest in psychology or other people’s secrets is evident. You are certainly impressive around others, and they will respond accordingly. At this time, you come across in an appealing, charming and openly affectionate manner, which is likely to win you new friends and admirers. You could make an excellent first impression on the opposite sex; this is a favourable time for enhancing your appearance. Travel or new social engagements may take you by storm and you should say yes to every opportunity that comes your way. Luck comes in surprise packages; you may come into some money quite unexpectedly. Check out your dental health.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Negotiating financial matters with people in high 
positions of power and authority are favoured. Get on the right side of your boss or superiors — it may be worth your while. Important affairs can now be wound up or finalised and brought to a satisfactory conclusion. Emotional satisfaction can be derived through 
honesty and sincerity with your partner. Communications bring exciting news with big opportunities. You may create a new image, a change in hairstyle, improve your dress sense, and start a new association or interest. You may need to visit sick relatives, or spend time with those who are confined in some way. Travel and contracts are favoured.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Your generosity will overwhelm your close family and friends. Travel is exciting and you may participate in an overseas tour, or travel somewhere quite different or spectacular. Emotional matters run smoothly and, if you are single, you may make a long-term commitment or consider marriage. Pursuing your artistic interests, writing or music will ease your stress levels. Family gatherings prove to be harmonious; a social event brings happiness and joy. Home improvements may be on your agenda, or you may consider spending time with close family. Pursuing new interests or hobbies may interest you. Please yourself and set your own pace where time and energy is concerned — this week is yours for the taking.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Take advantage of people and events, especially if you need to sift out or unravel anything that needs straightening out or made better. Family and friends may need your assistance with a delicate matter; avoid arguments. Ensure your home or property is safely locked up, inform neighbours and those in authority before embarking on a journey, don’t take chances. Personal relationships may need a touch of understanding, you may wish to take over and control again. Being noticed by important people is essential to you now. Functions and get-togethers makes this an enjoyable time. You may be involved with travel and meetings. Short journeys, running errands, making deliveries will have you in a spin.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

In your haste to be included in everything, you may easily overlook small details. Be practical with everything you do. This is an excellent week to purchase a new car or update something expensive for the home. You may also have an opportunity to renew old acquaintances, break out of useless habits, and build a new framework for your future. Surprises are in store and you could receive an expensive gift that is unique or unusual. A new job opportunity can come your way and you can now make your personal life more comfortable and secure; career prospects prosper. Social entertainment, festive activities, visitors and a whirlwind of offers will keep you on your toes. Sport or outdoor interests may attract your attention.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

This could be a busy week for communication and organisation. A parent or other family members may surprise you with news of a windfall gain. Lots of letters, telephone conversations and short journeys can be expected, and there could be sudden or unexpected gains with the buying or selling of real estate and property. You may wish to break from the predictability of your usual routine and methods and do something new and daring. Provided you are cautious, there is nothing you cannot handle successfully on your own. One of your children could be excited about a gift, career opportunity or a new love. Activity will rise on the home front, with cooking and organising domestic chores falling in your daily routine.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

You’re in the mood to experiment and to learn something new. Offbeat or original ideas excite you and you will seek people who can offer you a different way of looking at things. Discovery, inventiveness, and spontaneity are major themes now. You will certainly have sex appeal around those you wish to impress. There are opportunities of deep sharing, and powerful, meaningful contacts with others. You may make contact with new and exciting individuals, especially people who share common goals or ideals. An opportunity for a new relationship is likely. You may feel 
more confident in your daily routine as encouragement from others will push you along. A confirmation, greater recognition or new opportunities will bring greater happiness into your life. Better financial conditions can be expected.

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

Now will be a very good time to sign documents, 
conduct interviews or arrange a change of direction. Intense competition is quite likely to drum up at 
this time; you feel you must stand up for rights in the face of some business person or situation that goes against your interests. You may actually seek out competition in order to test your own powers. Beware of acting so abruptly or aggressively that you bring harm to yourself, or others. You will also feel quite 
loving and warm, with a desire to give and receive affection and appreciation. Your desire for beauty may stimulate your creativity and artistic expression. Your work will be particularly inspired now, new opportunities may be offered or a complete change of direction will be made. Exciting news greets you from afar.

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