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For the week ending August 1

Published: Fri 26 Jul 2013, 11:08 PM

Updated: Tue 7 Apr 2015, 8:34 PM

  • By
  • Milton Black

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

You may have a strong tendency to make drastic changes in your career, domestic and private 
life, or you may break with an old pattern or traditional values to explore a new world of adventure. Be extra careful you do not act in sudden, unpredictable ways and upset your family and friends. 
In your relationships with others, avoid negative emotional change and instability. A love affair 
may suddenly flare up and then cool off with equal suddenness, or you may continually challenge your partner’s ideas and feelings. You’re in for a big week financially with a salary increase, windfall, opportunity or benefit that is about to land on your doorstep. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of any matter that comes your way. Medical or dental work is favoured.

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

Be ready to accept all challenges this week. Some of your immediate hopes and wishes will become reality now if you put your mind to those matters. Follow a hunch to get the best deal in connection with career, community or financial undertakings. Also, consider strengthening social connections and improving your general conditions. Set goals of what you wish to do and then make plans for your new future. Finances improve through a raise or better conditions in your daily routine and you should talk to people about your aims and ideas, as they are bound to listen. Write that important letter and make that telephone call, as this is a week to get to the bottom of every issue that is bothering you. New beginnings, trends and ideas attract to you through those of importance as well.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Arranging an overdraft or dealing with important people regarding money transactions is positive and you may be attracted to a very exciting idea concerning a business venture. You may be 
interested in a business partnership, or a new service role. Shopping, marketing or trading will 
certainly attract good bargains and you may score a windfall. You will have an overwhelming desire to be of service to others and your compassion will extend a helping hand in every way possible now. If you are preoccupied with your health, then now is also the time to diet or commence 
an exercise programme. Love brings a series of ups and downs — mainly due to your restlessness. An exciting event may capture your imagination. Moderation is the key word — know your limitations when it comes to socialising.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You will enjoy being with groups of people and socialising for business or pleasure. A contract or deal, agreed upon now, will undoubtedly work out well. Inconsistent communication with various people tends to lack understanding and you may feel mildly disagreeable, tired and touchy. Your business affairs and interests will undergo a shake-up or reshuffle and your enthusiasm will be 
running hot. Travel plans may be changed or postponed for reasons unexpected. New financial opportunities may be made available to you and expect to be busy with interviews with personal, firms, labour exchanges, or employment agencies. You may have to hire or borrow something 
special to fill a role, play a part, or make an impression on someone special. Browsing through the Internet, libraries, or music shops is favoured.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

News received concerning employment, or a hint of better things to come will please you. At all events you may soon have more cash to throw around due to better financial conditions. A fateful link between long distance travel and money could mean the fulfilment of a dream. A long-distance communication will enlighten your spirits; you should push ahead with all proposed plans. Pressure may be difficult at times; however, if you keep up a positive attitude in your daily routine, others will expect you to perform and take the lead. In everything you do, keep your feet firmly on the ground with all business activities. If you feel mentally restless and active, now is the time to begin a new exercise programme, or do something different.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

A domestic or family situation that causes you a division of interests may require your presence and authority. When participating in social activities, avoid overstaying your welcome. Outdoor sports indicates a winning streak and children may thrill you with their achievements. Take care of all valuables; losses are indicated if you are careless. You will be impatient and reckless. You may receive news of a long-awaited opportunity or offer; do not hesitate to accept new job opportunities or travel. You may be honoured, win an award, receive a prize or satisfaction for something well done. A profitable situation may arise for you to invest in stocks, shares, property or business.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Persuading others to see your point of view will be easy, especially if politics or board meetings hold an interest for you. Extra responsibility may be required of you at work and home, so be prepared for a busy time. You may have to compromise with certain personal relationships; look closely at your partnership to be sure that you’re giving as much as you are receiving. If you are having relationship problems, perhaps counselling or advice from professionals would help solve the issues at hand. Think positively about your future relationships — you may be half the problem. Now is the time to accomplish domestic goals, or purchase your dream home. Family and friends are helpful, if you ask their assistance. A big expense is indicated so watch your extravagance, or generosity.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Expect a windfall or an opportunity of a lifetime; 
the table of luck is turning in your favour. The secret of this week’s success is to function in an independent way and forget about obligations to others. Romance comes under favourable influences and social 
invitations will prove positive. A communication may put an end to certain suspicions concerning an important love affair, partnership or a financial business arrangement with your loved ones. You may meet a peaceful, loving person who will boost your emotional confidence and assist you with any problems you may have. A parent or elderly member of your family may need your assistance; hospitals or places of confinement may enter your destiny. Avoid clashes with those you associate with in your daily routine.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Let go of those things you don’t really need. This is an excellent week for any kind of physical activity
 or fitness programme, as your energy levels will be high and you will feel strong and vigorous. If you are intending to launch any new enterprise, this is the time to do it. News may reach you about matters concerning children or their welfare and your hopes, wishes and desires will work out very well for you 
in matters to do with family. Finances will be approved for a personal project and most issues can be negotiated successfully. Happy news will reach you about an old friend or acquaintance about whom you have not seen or heard from in some time. You may be asked to join an extravagant social club or sporting facility as well.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

An unexpected communication may have you in a spin. A happy surprise is indicated through career job opportunities or your services to others. You may be replenishing your deep-freeze and cupboards in readiness for visitors or you could re-fuel the household budget due to increased consumer costs. An excellent negotiation week for business and career. In fact, you may get 
your own way concerning a new project or a certain way of doing things. You may wish to 
connect with creative studies or commence a course of instruction in cooking, decorating, music, theatre or art. Maintain a positive attitude and a good sense of humour — you will be run off 
your feet by others as you pursue your dreams. Shopping will keep you busy and many good bargains can be found now.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

Buying, selling, trading and pursuit of objectives 
are favoured. Farming, livestock, produce or an outdoors interest may bounce your curiosity for a future development project. You have an extra measure of energy and confidence now and those qualities will make a strong impression on all those that are in your immediate environment. If you are contemplating a job interview, change of direction, or a major move, now is the time to reach for 
the sky. Associate and meet with the public, show a good image, or simply go out and make yourself seen. You may receive long-term co-operation from storekeepers, suppliers, merchants or caterers to enhance business or make preparations for a big social event. Right now, you are more magnetic and attractive — and your love life is likely to be both harmonious and satisfying

Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

You may experience a positive flow or warmth and friendliness between yourself and others at this time, and you are stimulated and energised by your casual interactions with others of the opposite sex. You will also be noticed more than usual and people 
will love to be in your company. Money will flow in your direction as luck is all around you and very much in your favour. Emotional well-being and contentment characterise this time period. You will feel quite relaxed and carefree and this will actually be a splendid time to take a vacation or pamper yourself. 
Laziness, self-indulgence, and expecting everything to work out well — especially with no effort on your part — are negative possibilities now. You feel very lucky and you are likely to be lax or extravagant with your money. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and avoid impatience.

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