
Mumbai’s narrow channel posing threat to vessels

MUMBAI — The nearly 3,000-tonne warship was meant to attack enemy ships and submarines, but the INS Vindhyagiri, the Niligiri-class frigate, sank ignominiously at the naval dockyard here, the worst-ever peacetime loss for the Indian Navy.



Tax inspectors target top Bollywood stars

MUMBAI - Two of Bollywood’s leading ladies had uninvited guests gate-crashing into their homes and offices on Monday morning. Unfortunately for Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra, they were not over-zealous fans, but grim-faced taxmen in search of suspected concealed income.



When leaders fuel violence for petty interests

When political parties organise bandhs and demonstrations, they justify the accompanying violence as a spontaneous reaction by the ‘masses,’ protesting against some alleged injustice. Governments also treat the hooligans with kid gloves, encouraging such irresponsible acts.


Boy throws four-year-old girl out of speeding train

MUMBAI — In a case of ‘rail rage,’ an angry teenager grabbed a four-year-old girl and flung her out of a speeding train in Mumbai early Tuesday, following a fight with her father over the sharing of seats.