WhatsApp had earlier introduced Touch ID and Face ID functionality on iPhones to keep messages safe from prying eyes.
Published: Sat 9 Mar 2019, 12:05 PM
Last updated: Sun 10 Mar 2019, 6:55 PM
Some WhatsApp users have been temporarily banned from using the app. They have also been warned about the situation where their entire chat histories can be deleted.
This has been clarified in the FAQ section of WhatsApp's official website.
The information provided in the section states that a user's account is temporarily banned in case they use an unsupported version of WhatsApp instead of the official WhatsApp app.
When faced with such a situation, the user is advised to download the official version of WhatsApp in order to continue using the app. Users should also save their chat history before they download the official WhatsApp app. This is in case they are using anything other than WhatsApp Plus or GB WhatsApp.
The steps for the same have been explained in the app's FAQ section in detail.
Also aiming to keep its messages on iPhones safe from prying eyes, Facebook-owned messaging app WhatsApp had earlier introduced Touch ID and Face ID functionality on the devices.
"At WhatsApp, we care deeply about private messaging and we're excited to introduce Touch ID and Face ID on iPhone to help prevent someone from taking your phone and reading your messages," the company said in a statement.
To enable the feature in WhatsApp, iPhone users need to go to the settings, account, privacy and then screen lock and turn on Touch ID or Face ID.
The users have the option to select the amount of time before Touch ID or Face ID is prompted after WhatsApp is closed, the company added.
The privacy feature has been rolled out for users of iPhone 5s and later models and on iOS 9 OS and above.
The beta version of "WhatsApp Business" -- a free-to-download communication tool specifically designed for small businesses -- has also been made available for iOS users in February 2019.
(With inputs from IANS)