India: Girl writes letter to Supreme Court; chief justice responds

New Delhi - Chief Justice N.V. Ramana lauds fifth grade student for keeping track of news in the country

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Published: Wed 9 Jun 2021, 10:17 AM

Last updated: Wed 9 Jun 2021, 10:23 AM

The chief justice of India’s Supreme Court N.V. Ramana, who is busy with several major cases all day long, also has the time to respond to some of the hundreds of letters he gets from ordinary citizens across the country.

Recently, he was impressed with a letter written to him by a fifth grade student from Thrissur in Kerala and responded to her enthusiastically.

Lidwina Joseph, the student, wrote about the ongoing Covid pandemic in the country and said she was “very proud and happy” that the Supreme Court had initiated several major steps to reduce the fatalities.

“From the newspaper I understood that your honourable court have intervened effectively at the sufferings and death of ordinary people in fight against Covid-19,” the girl wrote to him.

“I am happy and feel proud your honourable court has moved orders for supply of oxygen and saved many lives. I understood your honourable court have initiated effective steps in bringing down Covid-19 and death rate in our country especially in Delhi. I thank you your Honour for this. Now I feel very proud and happy.”

Lidwina also enclosed a coloured illustration with her scroll, showing a judge hammering the virus with his gavel, and with the portrait of Mahatma Gandhi in the background.

In his response, the Indian Supreme Court chief justice praised her for keeping track of news in the country. “I am really impressed with the way you kept track of happenings in the country and the concern that you have displayed for the well-being of people in the wake of pandemic,” said his letter to Lidwina. “I am sure you will grow up into an alert, informed and responsible citizen who will contribute immensely towards the nation building. With best wishes and blessings for your all-round success.”

Ramana also sent her a signed copy of the Indian Constitution.

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