The Manimala police circle in Kottayam district has roped in a retired Hindi teacher to teach the cops in three police stations under the circle the basics of the language. Circle Inspector Abdul Rahim has earmarked 30 minutes for Hindi class every week. The class will be taken after the parade on Fridays.
Rahim said the knowledge of Hindi was unavoidable as large number of workers from north India was coming to the area for working in rubber plantations. Besides, Erumeli under the circle also attracts pilgrims in large numbers from other states, especially during the Sabarimala pilgrimage season.
He said that the police were finding it difficult to effectively investigate cases involving migrants as they cannot speak the local language.
He said the minimum knowledge of Hindi the cops acquire will help them in questioning the migrants when they are caught on suspicion.
In many cases, the migrants caught on suspicion lands in jails because they are unable to communicate their innocence. In the last six months alone, 150 migrant workers from the North and the Northeast have landed in various jails in the state. A senior police officer said many of those are innocent. They are languishing in jail as they are not able to argue their case due to unfamiliarity with the language.
A social activist recently helped 15 out of 30 workers lodged in the district jail in Trivandrum get out of jail. The activist said most of them were not involved in any crime.
Though Kerala is heavily dependent on migrant labour from other states for manual jobs, the state has not taken any serious measures for their welfare. The workers from other states were coming to Kerala to fill the vacuum left by Malayalis who have migrated to Gulf countries in search of greener pastures.
The state has now 2.5 million migrant labour population engaged for manual work in various sectors including construction, according to a study by the Gulati Institute of Taxation. —
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It includes lectures, dialogue and workshops featuring a select group of qualified speakers and educational specialists
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With no prior experience, I wiped out more times than I could count, but the trainers' encouragement kept me going