Authorities have urged beachgoers to report on their toll-free number if they spot violations of environmental laws
In a crackdown on poaching of shorebirds, the Fujairah Environment Authority has taken legal action against a number of poachers and illegal bird hunters. The move came after the authority received several reports about illegal hunting of birds on the beaches.
The authority looked into the complaints and found them to be true.
The authority has also stepped up monitoring along its coastline while also urging beachgoers to report immediately on its toll-free number, 800368, if they spot poachers and illegal hunters or any kind of violations of the environmental laws.
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The beaches of Fujaira are a home to local birds as well as many migratory birds, in what is a reflection of the emirate's ecologically rich and diverse maritime environment.
In its bid to ensure sustainability and maintaining ecological balance, the Fujaira Environment Authority said it not only ensures strict observance of environmental laws and but also tries to instil social responsibility in all sections of society.
The authority also runs campaigns to make people aware of the importance of shorebirds in the entire ecological balance process, and the extent of damage caused to environment and bird species by irresponsible practices.