Dubai - The service enables couples to safeguard their health by ensuring that no infection will be transmitted between them.
Published: Mon 28 Sep 2020, 2:50 PM
Updated: Tue 29 Sep 2020, 5:43 PM
The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) offers pre-marital health examination at 25 centres across the country, the ministry said on Sunday. The service enables couples to request a pre-marital screening to ascertain whether they are free from genetic, infectious, or sexually transmitted diseases and to safeguard their health by ensuring that no infection will be transmitted between them.
The ministry said results valid for three months are issued within three to 10 working days.
Premarital testing decreases congenital anomalies and can prevent common inherited blood disorders such as thalassemia and sickle cell anemia, the MoHAP said. "It decreases and prevents the transmission of some sexually transmitted diseases and reduces mother-to-child transmissions of some infectious diseases that might lead to congenital anomalies or mental retardation, and sometimes even death. Moreover, it alleviates anxiety, especially if there is a family history of certain genetic diseases or marriage between relatives, as well as decreases the financial, physical, and psychological burden on families through proper diagnosis and counseling."
Dr Hussein Abdel Rahman Al Rand, Undersecretary of the Health Assistant Sector, Health Centres and Clinics, said the service is offered to citizens and expats aged 18 and older.
Dr Aisha Suhail, Director of the Primary Health Care Department, said the service includes highly confidential and accurate clinical and diagnostic testing.
Tests that are performed:
> Beta-thalassemia
> Haemoglobin differences
> Sickle cell anaemia, which is one of the most common hereditary hemolytic diseases, especially in the Middle East due to consanguineous marriage
> Hepatitis (B) and (C)
> Syphilis
> German measles in women