Fujairah - The suspects set ablaze a car - parked in front of the labour camp - to distract their colleagues.
Published: Wed 26 Jun 2019, 12:13 PM
Updated: Thu 27 Jun 2019, 8:56 AM
Two Asian workers stood trial at the Fujairah Criminal Court on charges of robbery and arson.
Court records showed that the duo willfully and maliciously set a car - parked in front of the labour camp - ablaze to distract their colleagues and rob Dh4,000 the co-workers had saved in a safe in their accommodation.
When the colleagues saw the raging fire, they rushed to the site to put it out. The second defendant managed to sneak into the safe room, forced it open, and robbed Dh4,000 kept inside it.
He then tried to flee the scene, but was spotted by one of the workers there who stopped him with the help of others.
The police arrested the duo and they were referred to the Fujairah public prosecution.
The suspects admitted to their crime to the prosecutors and later to the Fujairah Criminal Court.
The court ordered adjournment of the case to July for issuing its ruling.