Dubai - Attendance is open to the public through Microsoft teams or on the Dubai Courts portal.
Published: Sun 19 Apr 2020, 6:00 PM
Updated: Mon 20 Apr 2020, 3:28 PM
Now that remote hearings have been activated in the emirate, the Dubai Courts has laid out the virtual courtroom etiquette that must be followed - especially by lawyers attending the session.
In a circular, the Dubai Courts urged lawyers to abide by the same strict code as if they were physically present in the court chamber: Respect the dress code, speak only after getting permission form the judge, and avoid causing any disturbance.
Attendance is open to the public through Microsoft teams or on the Dubai Courts portal.
Before hearings start, lawyers should prepare all technical requirements. They must have a laptop or a smartphone with a camera and microphone. Cameras should be opened during the e-sessions.
All hearings are held via Microsoft Teams at schedules announced earlier (8.30am and 9.30am). Documents and memos can be presented by lawyers before the hearings through the smart apps.
However, court sessions for criminal cases at the Court of First Instance, Appeals and Cassation have been adjourned until May 17.
Judge Mohamed Mubarak Al Sibusi, Chief Justice of the Dubai Commercial Court, issued the virtual hearing circular, which came into effect on Sunday until further notice.
Judges and secretaries at the commercial court should also stick to the official dress code, according to the memo.
Departments concerned should also provide e-links for the hearings on the Dubai Courts website. This way, people can have access to the announcements.
In a tweet, the Dubai police exempted the lawyers on Sunday from the need to get a permit to go to their offices and classified them as a "vital sector".
>Follow the official courtroom dress code
>Speak only after getting permission form the judge
>Avoid causing any disturbance
>Prepare laptop or smartphone (with camera and microphone) before the hearing starts
>Cameras should be working throughout the session
>Observe punctuality