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The dangers of cigarette and even 'Shisha' smoking are undeniable. Tobacco smoke affects both the smoker and the people around them who cannot escape the toxic plumes as they exit the smoker's lungs. New research has proven that second-hand smoke is often more deadly then actually smoking cigarettes first-hand. Second-hand smoke is a carcinogen and is equivalent to other deadly carcinogens like Arsenic and Radon. Some of the diseases caused by smoking cigarettes include lung cancer, respiratory disease, infertility, cancers of the mouth, emphysema, tuberculosis, hypertension, heart disease and a slew of kidney diseases. As with all human affairs, the Holy Quran serves as a guide for all humans throughout all the ages. And the vice of smoking tobacco is no exception.
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:
"...he allows them as lawful At Tayyibaat (that is, all good and lawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons and foods), and prohibits them as unlawful Al Khabaa'ith (all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons and foods).
Allah forbids humans all things, which can harm us or others like tobacco smoking, illicit drugs or alcohol. Humans are allowed things, which are lawful and of benefit to us like fresh foods and medicines that can cure us from infections, etc.
Smoking tobacco is of no benefit to humans. It is a waste of time and money. It is harmful to our bodies. It is harmful to those around us. The cigarette industry is responsible for generating billions of dollars worth of income per annum. Just imagine if that money were allocated for something else like cancer research or the World Food Program. By eliminating this one single vice, we could eradicate several harmful by-products of life in this world in one fell swoop! Clearly, the only way smoking can benefit society is if it is wiped out once and for all.
Islam also forbids extravagance in all of our affairs. The Muslim should lead a life of simplicity in humbleness to Allah for his bounty. Sitting around in a 'Shisha" bar smoking while trading gossip until the wee hours of the morning, for example, is a luxury that many a Muslim indulges in on a daily basis.
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:
"...and eat and drink but waste not by extravagance, certainly He (Allah) likes not Al Musrifoon (those who waste by extravagance)" (7:31)
Tobacco smoking is also an unnecessary distraction. How many car accidents have been caused because the driver was busy puffing on his cigarette while trying to steer with one hand? How many homes have been burnt to the ground because someone fell asleep with a cigarette in his or her mouth or left a lit 'butt' unattended? Smoking is an evil vice that has often led man into desperation and despair. Smoking is not worth losing your health or your wealth.
The Islamic viewpoint is so strict about smoking that smokers are not allowed to receive Zakat, or poor alms. If the smoker can afford cigarettes and manage to waste what little money they have on them then they are ineligible to receive poor alms for food and other essentials.
Tobacco smoking has absolutely no basis in Islam. Historically, it is not even a part of the Muslim world. The Spanish discovered it more than 500 years ago and the filthy habit only reached the Muslim world 100 years after the initial discovery. Unfortunately, many Muslims are afflicted with an unhealthy addiction to smoking. It is only through true repentance and supplication to Allah that this unhealthy habit can be kicked once and for all. Forget about expensive nicotine patches, pills or even anti-smoking gum. Trust in Allah to break free from the 'butt'!
Sumayyah Meehan is a Kuwait-based American writer who embraced Islam. She can be reached at
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