Scrawled Stories reaches great heights with Sanket Desarda

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Published: Thu 21 Apr 2022, 12:41 PM

The digital space and its scope of accomplishing greatness is no secret to anyone. We’re all aware of how immediate content can go viral and create buzz within a few seconds and taps. And in a space where remixes and dances are always trending, micro-tales are not far behind, with Scrawled Stories being the dominant player in the field.

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Scrawled Stories has an immediate face of recognition due to its relatable quotes, musings, micro-tales and snippets that has the capability to go viral in mere minutes. The page has grown into a vast platform that attracts people from all over the world, from all sorts of demographics. It is clear to note that Scrawled is loved by majority of the audience for its simple and easy to read content.

Lead by Sanket Desarda, an MBA graduate in finance, Scrawled Stories follows the principle of creating a safe space for writers to have their work explored, while readers enjoy reading them. It caters to upholding the pure base of the page, that is love for words and expressions. Desarda had a focused vision on making it big in the digital space, and with Scrawled Stories, he definitely has. “A sound marriage of hard work, patience, focus and adaptability is the key to growing and achieving excellence in any walk of life”, he stated.

What began as Desarda's struggling effort, is today reaping hundredfold fruits of the same struggle. Today, Scrawled Stories has a collective of three million followers across all social media platforms, with new followers coming in every single day. The reason why people love Scrawled is because the content aligns directly with their emotions. Be it a musing related to school or college life, or a micro-tale of a couple – Scrawled Stories delivers the right dish with the right, hard-hitting flavours. Moreover, listicles, open-letters, long stories are also uploaded as carousel posts for readers who want a little more than usual.

With over 1000+ entries coming in each day, there is honestly no shortage of content, and an array of selective writers to choose from. Scrawled has featured small and big writers worldwide, and has provided them with an access to a wider audience. Although the page is not limited to topics, the categories of school/college life, friendships, family, relationships and day- to-day relatable quotes tend to perform the best due to its nostalgic and heartfelt chord.

Scrawled Stories has had successful collaborations with huge business brands like Amazon, Tinder, OYO Rooms, Engage Deo, Bumble, Hotstar, Fox Star, Tata, Red Chillies Entertainment, Brand Factory, Reliance, MI, One Plus, and many more notable corporations. Each collaboration reaches the targeted audience in numbers, thus satisfying the brand and page engagement.

Although many other pages have come up that follow the footsteps of Scrawled Stories, there has been no page that has even come close to stealing its limelight. This goes to show the potential and brand value that Scrawled holds, and its ability to soar higher.

“It has been a long and arduous journey, but we didn’t come so far only to lay our sacks down and relax. There’s still a long way to go. When I began, it was just me, but today there are many individuals and teams under me who contribute to the success of Scrawled Stories. That cannot go in vain," Desarda concluded.

Thus, there’s no doubt in the greatness that is yet to be witnessed by Scrawled Stories. The aim to continue ahead and shine brighter is a motivating skill that can be taken from this success story.

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