Veerendra Kumar said he was cheated by a job agent who had promised him a job in Qatar but sent him to Saudi
Veerendra Kumar said he was cheated by a job agent who had promised him a job in Qatar but sent him to Saudi
Although the EV market in Saudi remains small compared with US and China, it tripled last year to nearly 800 cars
The accused was referred to the court, which issued a verdict confirming his guilt and sentencing him to death as a discretionary punishment
He was also accused of monitoring security personnel, 'informing terrorist elements of their movements, who then targeted three security officers'
The Ministry of Interior, while announcing this, reaffirms the Kingdom's commitment to security, justice, and implementing laws
The arrests took place across the country from July 4 to July 10
The surgery was part of three cases that took place under 24 hours, as doctors raced against time to conduct both heart removal and transplant surgeries
He also took part in shooting at police stations, security points and patrols
Guests and cabin crew were safely evacuated using the evacuation slide, the airline said
The deal is the culmination of a years-long effort to sell another chunk in one of the world's most valuable companies