DUBAI — Adapting eco-friendly agri-biotech inputs, much improved water management practices and the conversion of agri-wastes into standard high value compost are some of the things the UAE needs to look into where the development of the agricultural sector is concerned, opined M.H. Mehta, agriculture expert and Chairman of the Gujarat Life Sciences in India.
He is also former Vice-Chancellor of Gujarat Agriculture University in India.
Mehta, who was on a visit to Dubai to popularlise the use of eco-friendly fertilisers and pesticides, said the region needs to stress on the recycling of waste water for agriculture.
He added that the new technologies in the agriculture sector, which includes saline water agriculture, could also be very helpful for the region.
“In desert and semi-desert regions like the UAE, one has to make sure that water is not wasted.
“And adopting agri-biotech products would be a wise option.”
“These fertilisers take in less amount of water. Moreover, with the country into a lot of imports, the generation of wastes, including agri-wastes is also high. The country should look into the conversion of these agri-wastes into standard high value compost,” he said.
“There also needs to be an improved water management system. Deep irrigation system and recycling of water is very important.
“There have been much talks round the world about environment protection and the use of eco-friendly fertilisers and pesticides. “The new age products, derived from natural resources are cost effective.”