ABU DHABI — A senior labour official took the initiative yesterday to mediate in solving an ongoing misunderstanding between local Press reporters and the newly-appointed labour relations director at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
The misunderstanding sprang from what reporters in the capital say was a "journalist-unfriendly attitude" by Hatim Jumma Al Junaibi. The reporters believe Al Junaibi's attitude was based on preconceived notions.
"I would definitely raise the issue with Dr Ali bin Abdullah Al Kaabi, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, within the coming days to find a solution that would be appeasable and break the ice between the two sides. We would make sure the ministry's doors in all circumstances are not closed for the Press," Humaid bin Demas, Assistant Under-Secretary for Administration and Financial Affairs at the ministry, yesterday told this reporter. Demas has been officially appointed by Dr Kaabi to communicate with the Press.
For the past two weeks, Al Junaibi decided to boycott the local Press, giving instructions to his staff to conceal information concerning his departments from journalists. He argued he doesn't have confidence in news that appear in daily papers.
Khaleej Times has learnt that other dailies have showed resentment against the attitude of the new official.
"Other journalists have also complained of the same thing. I would discuss the problem with all other concerned labour authorities to know their opinion and try to settle the matter," stressed Demas.