DUBAI - The Dubai Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities issued more than 5,000 fatwas (religious edicts) in the past three months on its Internet web site, according to Dr Ahmed Mushal, Researcher of the Fatwa and Research Section at the Department.
Speaking to Khaleej Times, Dr Mushal said that fatwa demands are pouring in at the department's official web site and increasing day by day, particularly during Ramadan, Eid and other religious occasions. The Muslims who place questions on various issues receive answers on their email address.
He said the department was currently making efforts to classify these fatwas based on the type of the issue to be displayed on the web site titled "Internet Fatwas" to give opportunity to a large number of Muslims around the world to benefit from them.
Dr Mushal said that in the past, Muslims seeking muftis (Islamic legal experts) would have had to travel from village to village to find wise and respected folk. The muftis, some of whom had no formal education but had memorised the Holy Quran, met face-to-face with questioners issuing fatwas. These were legal opinions on questions that came up in everyday life like is it permissible to use perfume tinged with alcohol? What kind of man is ideal for marriage?
The demand for a good fatwa continues. But to get one today, Muslims can just surf and click on the web site. The main objective of the fatwas online is to answer all Muslims' and non-Muslims' queries, he said, adding there were many non-Muslims who were interested in learning about Islamic rulings on various issues.
These fatwas help Muslims to follow the right path of God and keep themselves away from committing evil and forbidden acts that leads them to disobey Allah.
Dr Mushal stressed that fatwa should be limited to scholars with religious authority who should also highlight the Islamic teachings of moderation, tolerance and respect for the other.
"The issuance of fatwa should be restricted to qualified Muslim scholars in the eight schools of Jurisprudence," he said.